Friday, November 5, 2010

Grey's beauty

As autumn nears its end, things are looking a little more grey than usual outside. The trees have all lost their colour and snow on the mountain is gracing their branches where once there were golden leaves. I'm not a huge fan of grey. It's a fence-sitter; neither the pure brightness of white nor the deep darkness of black. It's undecided and vague.

Everything seems grey. It looks way different without autumn's royal colours everywhere!
But, thinking about this, I realized something. The grey of the trees and sky bring out the colour in otherwise ordinary-looking plants and weeds: 

This brings me back to a conversation I was having with a friend the other day. We were both saying how boring our lives were and how we wished for some excitement. Our lives were rather "grey" you might say. But through the routine of our lives, beauty is seen in a different area. Maybe you went the extra mile for someone at work or school, and they appreciated it. Maybe you waited for the pedestrian to cross the road before going. Maybe you just smiled at a stranger. And, looking deep down, I'm sure you could even find something interesting in your grey life. It's like the definition on a tree. The tree isn't just grey, it's different shades. It's got different patterns, different markings making that tree unique from any other.

And, looking deep down, I can definitely think of interesting things happening in my life. I guess that's a start!

1 comment:

  1. Good observations and very nice pictures! The only problem I have with this post is that you used a certain word instead of Fall :)
