Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Let's Frolick in the Graveyard

Apologies in advance for the horrid colour on a few of these pictures. WB is apparently something I still need to work on ;)

This morning, bright and early (mostly early) I headed over to a secret location to do family pictures for my cousin (sorta, not quite, ish) and her family. I was a bit apprehensive since they are like, amazing photographers themselves...but every fear was put to rest as soon as they hopped out of the van with their cheery smiles on (seriously, they were all just bundles of joy. Not even kidding!). They were probably the easiest people to photograph - they all know where to stand, and their kids can smile on demand! Props to you guys for a good start to my day :D

P.s. Jason- I look forward to our shoot-off :)

Yay for one good photo from the first batch! Yucky colour though...

As J is saying, "Laura, you're morbid. You're so morbid."

Oh, did I mention? They are basically the most normal family you'll ever come across. Seriously.

"Squirrels!" "I HATE squirrels!"

Whoops, where'd that head come from??

"I bet it would be funny if we kicked snow all over mommy!"

Boys will be boys...he got some mud on his finger and had to wipe it everywhere :)

Thanks bunches guys! You rock!!


  1. Thanks Becca!!! I'm laughing all the way through this post! :) I can't wait to send out the christmas cards with 'graveyard' photos on them! THANK YOU again! :)

  2. Great job, fun family hey? Jason and Laura did our family pics earlier this year...lots of talent in Houston methinks :-)
