Wednesday, November 10, 2010


My cousin (sort of) Laura Onderwater and her hubby have a photography business in Houston, B.C. Link here Today, being my day off from work, I headed over to Houston to "help" Laura with some studio shots she was taking of her son's preschool class (shh, I really just stood there and watched in awe as she got even the stubbornest of children to smile...well, except for one, but I'm not holding that against her :P). After that was done, we took out her Canon (ick!) and Oliver to take some shots of her daughter and niece. Even though it was freezing cold it was a lot of fun, and I hope to do that again one day with her! Here's a few of my favourite shots:

Love Evangeline's boots and frills and Nadia's practical
Mary Janes and courds!

I warned you this one was going up, Laura :D
Pretty sure Jason and Laura are gonna have to guard
the doors when she's older!
I love the focus on this one. I dunno why, I just do :D

I cropped the above and tweaked a few things
on Photoshop :D

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Awesome Great Work :) I'm Glad to here you enjoyed your day. Jason oh and CANON is better!
