Thursday, May 5, 2011

Of late...(and really late)

A few weeks ago I travelled to the Fraser Valley for university orientation and met up with a few of my friends. With Oliver and a new lens along, I couldn't resist the opportunity for a few photo shoots!

Meet Irma.
We had arranged for a photo shoot on the Saturday I was down at a surprise location (for me anyways!) It didn't disappoint!

 There was so much to work with here! 10 walls of graffitti, a nearby train track, and a wall covered in greenery!

 Meet Lauren.
Lauren saw some of the photos from my shoot with Irma and asked if she could have one too.
Of course I obliged, quite willingly! :)

Earlier Lauren was commenting on how blue eyes got all the fun.
Time to give the brown eyes a turn! Don't they pop?

AYKM?? Hellooo gorgeous!!!

I love me some train tracks!
Meet Deanna.
Unfortunately she was still busy with school and work while I was down, and this is the solo picture of her on my blog. That will hopefully change soon enough!
Safe to say: I love my new lens. (Thank youuu Dustin!)

And most recently, my (old) school's production of Fiddler on the Roof! They did a fantastic job from start to finish!

This will probably be the last blog post for a while: my summer is already proving to be super busy!
My cousin (sort of ish) asked me to help her shoot a wedding coming up (!!!!!!) so I'm crossing my fingers that I can get time off work for that!

Have a good summer!