Thursday, March 24, 2011


At long last, another blog post :) Yes, my life really is that boring. I've had essentially nothing to post about for the longest time! is now time to say good-bye to my days of walking (let me rephrase: the days when I was forced to walk everywhere)! Introducing....
Yay! New car! And man is she a beaut. (Name still pending, though accepting suggestions ;] ) This doesn't mean I've hung up my sneakers/bike for good though. :)

Aaaaand....since the last full moon was so "new and improved," here's the one photo I captured that looked fairly decent-ish. These things happen when your tripod is broken...

I had my camera set in Auto-ISO. Some people rave about the quality of their photos when using this setting, but I'm less-than-thrilled with its performance in low-light situations.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Something old, something new: Favourites

It was time for the routine clean-up/organize. I was going through my photo files (and in a short 5 months how many of them there were...!); deleting the 'attempts' and putting the 'nailed-its' into their own folder. These photos to follow are just a few of my favourites. Obviously there's always room for improvement (I mean, I just figured out how ISO works!), but I'm just enjoying the ride. It'll be cool one day to look back at these and realize how much farther I've gone! (The Lord willing, of course)
I've tweaked a lot of these in Photoshop; some have obvious changes, but others are just minor adjustments. One of the things I hope to learn in the future is how to capture the perfect frame on the first try. Because to me, photography should be less about editing photos and more about nailing them on the first try. But maybe that's just me.


I think this one was definitely a "nailed-it." No editing.

This photo's been on here before. I got rid of the gross colour this time though.

Another "nailed-it." Taken with 50mm lens and macro adapter.

Not a super sharp image, but this chick makes me laugh every time :)

With folks like these along for the ride, it's never boring.

Converted to B&W using Oliver's colour menu.

Edited to create more of a 'vintage' look. Success?
If you know what kind of a camera this is, let me know, k?
I'm thinking a Brownie?

Lightened in Photoshop and converted to B&W

Edited to create a different look.

Another "nailed-it." Changed to B&W in Photoshop.

Manipulated the intensity of the colours in Photoshop.

First attempt at controlling ISO. A little grainy, but not bad.
The gorgeous ring was actually payment for house-sitting!